Everyone in life has values that they live by. They shape our day-to-day lives and point us towards the future we want. They become the blueprints for us to see our goals achieved. Here at CrossPoint Church these are our values that we use to make sure we are faithfully completing the mission and purpose Jesus has for us as a local body.
Everyone has a worldview, a way of looking at the world and seeing how it makes sense. The Bible is the foundation of our worldview, establishing the boundaries by which we understand the world and human nature. The Bible's story guides our lives.
We believe that Jesus who provided everything for us to live and thrive in this life is the most generous. We will live by His example. We will give of our God-given time, talents and resources.
The greatest news and only hope for people in this world is the gospel. We will share of Jesus' deity, death and resurrection to everyone.
God made us in His image to be in relationship with Him. We are created body, soul, and Spirit to connect with God.
In the Great Commission Jesus commanded us to teach all people to obey everything that He taught us. Discipleship is helping people know why they believe what they believe so they can obey all Jesus' commands.
The heart and foundation of the church is being in community with one another. We can go through life easier when it's done together.
Jesus said it was better for Him to go to heaven so that He could send the Holy Spirit to us. We need all the gifts of God to navigate the world.